MyPic Terms and Conditions
By clicking on the links below you acknowledge and accept the MyPic Terms and Conditions.
The Hyden Citizens Bank, Inc. Personalized Debit Card service is subject to these Terms and Conditions. These terms and conditions are in addition to those found in the Cardholder Agreement governing all use of your debit card. The image (photo, logo, artwork or other image) submitted by you is herein referred to as the “image.”
1. You agree to destroy your old card once you receive your new card and hold Hyden Citizens Bank, Inc. harmless for any loss as a result of not doing so. Your existing card
will continue to work until you activate your new personalized debit card.
2. Unless waived as part of a promotion or as part of your deposit account type, your cardlinked account will be debited $20 when your image is approved. The $20 fee will apply to a new, replacement or reissued personalized debit card. The image will be printed and the $20 fee will apply on any subsequent reissued personalized debit cards within a three-year-period unless you have uploaded another image within that period.
3. You agree to our image upload guidelines which restricts the use of certain types of images. The following guidelines have been put in place to help you with your selection; however, Hyden Citizens Bank, Inc. reserves the right to approve or deny any image at our sole discretion. Please do not submit any images that contain the following:
a. Copyrighted or trademarked material—if you didn’t take the photo or own the image, we cannot accept it. Hyden Citizens Bank, Inc. may, in its discretion,
require evidence of the Image owner’s consent or of your ownership of the Image.
b. Branded products/services, including abbreviations, acronyms and/or symbols of any nature.
c. Political and/or Religious subject matter of any nature, including symbols, images and text
d. Advertising, promotional text, slogans, logos, copyrighted or trademarked material. Company names, brand names or branded products.
e. Provocative, lewd, or sexual content—including nude or semi-nude pictures of people of any age.
f. Celebrities, musicians, public figures, entertainers, athletes, cartoons, etc. References to any sponsorship property, such as the Olympics or NASCAR.
g. Violence, violent acts or any type of death imagery (e.g. images of skulls)
h. Socially unacceptable or discriminatory behavior or signs (e.g. gangs, hatred, drug/alcohol abuse, graffiti) including offensive racial/prejudicial subject matter
of any nature. Anti-social or socially unacceptable groups or images of people involving themselves in illegal or anti-social behavior.
i. Profanity, nudity, obscenities, or other obscene behavior or gestures
j. Images of money from any country (including the United States) where money isthe central focus of the photo
k. Images of flags (Our gallery contains flag related imagery—please review those images if you are interested in having a flag on your card.)
l. Controversial subject matter such as political or religious statements and/orimages.
m. Phone numbers (e.g. 800 or 900 #s) and URL addresses (e.g.
n. Competitive marks/names (e.g. Discover, American Express, etc.).
o. Any graphic design element or text that might infringe, denigrate, reflect poorly or might engender hostility toward or derision of the card brands appearing on the card or Hyden Citizens Bank, Inc.
p. Any image where the content is not clearly comprehensive or discernible. This includes non-English text, images, and where the subject is unclear (i.e. blurry, distorted, etc.) and may be interpreted as violating the guidelines.
q. Any image that might result in non-acceptance or other problems at point of sale such as interference with the security features of the card.
4. You warrant to Hyden Citizens Bank, Inc. that: (i) you are the owner of the image (i.e. the image was taken by you) or you have obtained express consent from the image’s
owner to use the image on your personalized Debit Card; (ii) you have obtained express consent from any person whose image you use on your personalized debit card; and (iii)
use of the image by Hyden Citizens Bank, Inc. will not infringe any other person’s rights, including intellectual property rights, in the image.
5. Hyden Citizens Bank, Inc. may, in its discretion, require evidence of the Image owner’s consent or of your ownership of the Image.
6. You (or you have obtained consent from the image’s owner) grant the Hyden Citizens Bank, Inc. a perpetual, non-transferable, non-exclusive, royalty-free, world-wide, irrevocable license to use the image and the data you provide to Hyden Citizens Bank, Inc. for the purpose of providing your personalized debit card.
7. You consent (or have obtained consent from the image’s owner) to Hyden Citizens Bank, Inc. storing, modifying, copying or using the Image.
8. You shall indemnify and hold harmless Hyden Citizens Bank, Inc., its successors and assigns, against any claims arising or loss suffered by Hyden Citizens Bank, Inc. resulting from your use of this service or as a result of the image being used on and reproduced on your personalized debit card, or arising out of or as a result of Hyden Citizens Bank, Inc. storing, modifying, copying or using the image.
9. Hyden Citizens Bank, Inc.’s liability hereunder is limited to refunding the fee associated with the issuance of the personalized debit card, and Hyden Citizens Bank, Inc. is not
liable to you for any loss, damage, claim or expense whatsoever in relation to any action by Hyden Citizens Bank, Inc. permitted under these Terms and Conditions.
10. Hyden Citizens Bank, Inc. is not responsible for poor quality images or images poorly positioned on the personalized debit card.
11. Your personalized debit card remains the property of Hyden Citizens Bank, Inc. and you agree to immediately return it or destroy it if asked by Hyden Citizens Bank, Inc. for any reason, or if the card or accounts that your personalized debit card is linked to is closed.
12. If approved, the Image will be stored by Hyden Citizens Bank, Inc. or its agents and contractors for a period of at least three (3) years. The image will be printed on any
subsequent reissued personalized debit cards within a three-year-period unless you have uploaded another image within that period.
13. Hyden Citizens Bank, Inc. reserves the right not to accept or use any image you submit, or to refuse to issue a personalized debit card. If a submitted image is rejected, Hyden
Citizens Bank, Inc. will notified you by email, phone or mail, without any obligation to justify its decision.
14. If you submit, or repeatedly submit images that do not follow guidelines, Hyden Citizens Bank, Inc. reserves the right to exclude you from future use of this service.
In addition to the above terms and conditions that apply to all personalized debit cards, the following terms and conditions govern personalized business debit cards.
15. The business agrees that only individual(s) they authorize can submit an image and request issuance of personalized debit card(s). The business shall protect the security of
its logon and other access information and is responsible for any unauthorized access directly or indirectly gained using such logon or other access information.
16. Important: The business acknowledges and agrees that each time a new image is uploaded and approved, all cards linked to the Business’s account will be reissued with
that new image.
17. Upon receipt of new business personalized debit card(s) with an image on it, the business will need to destroy any previously-issued business cards.
By clicking on the links below you acknowledge and accept the above MyPic Terms and Conditions.
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